Collection of wishes I created for use on birthday, anniversary or whatever occasions. Use them freely!

  • I wish you a very joyful, successful and a spectacular life ahead BUT you know from thermodynamics that no system can achieve 100% efficiency and then there are local fluctuations and discontinuities. Also, the “system” is dissipative so you almost could never get what you’ve “lost”, but despite of all these “constraints”, I wish the total average comes out to be a normalizable smooth function, giving “real” values whenever you act upon it by “Happiness” and “Success” operator. And don’t worry if you’re not getting the desired results right now, just keep adding the higher order correction terms and at the end of the day the “values” will come out right! Always love and respect your parents, because they are like “external driving forces” that keep our life’s pendulum oscillating. And one more thing, don’t worry about your age, it only matters if you’re a cheese or wine.
  • I wish your life to be a universal solvent such that the solutes, happiness and success, maintain the overall pH and equilibrium.
  • I wish you an ever increasing successful and normalizable life ahead like a harmonic oscillator. Keep calm and cool so that entropy fluctuations are minimum. Work hard at a relativistic pace so that the path leading towards your goal gets contracted. Avoid friction with unnecessary things to save energy from dissipation. And, utilize your passion as a battery to keep your life running like an electric current. That covers all 5 essential elements of life (or, indeed, physics).