About me :

This section, as I think, is irrelevant because:

  1. If I say I’m this and that, there is still a finite possibility of finding me completely different.
  2. I can’t be the same for everyone! So, it is inevitable that each person will characterize me differently.
  3. Since almost everything related to me is dynamic, what I say today may become obscure tomorrow.
  4. Most importantly, I can’t define what I was, what I am, and what I will be in addition to what I have done, what I’m doing, and what I want to do in my life in a few words. That’s impossible for me!

So, it’s better to leave this “complex” thing here. But one thing I can say for sure is that I am just “a curious little boy” who wants to learn everything out there. I don’t care whether they’re necessary, with any usability in my life. I love playing and having fun with things. That’s all I know! As Richard Feynman wrote on his blackboard:

Know how to solve every problem that has been solved.

About this website :

It’s a proper subset of stuffs I’ve read, learned, and everything in between.

Color scheme :

I used the following trick :
I shortened my full name into six letters, that is “bppant”, and then assigned every letter a hex that is : B = 1, P = F, P = F, A = 0, N = D, T = 3, which when combined gave hex color code #1ff0d3. I guess, the color looks somewhat similar to turquoise but it’s not.